3 New Year’s Resolutions that are WAY better than going on a diet
This week I wanted to share with you 3 New Year’s resolutions that are way better than going on a diet. Let’s face it, that diet won’t last beyond the end of January anyway will it?! Make 2023 the year that you ditch dieting forever, coz you really do deserve better than being stuck in that shitty cycle of yo-yo dieting!
Watch the video below to find out the NY Resolutions or keep scrolling to read the blog.
I’m not a big fan of the whole New Year’s resolution thing. I always think that New Year’s resolutions seem to be about depriving or punishing yourself in some way. It always seems to be about cutting the fun things out when you talk about trying to eat better. Or you decide you’re going on a strict diet in a bid to balance things out after the festive season. You think that you need to be a better person, that you’re not good enough as you are.
How about being kind to yourself instead?
To be honest I could list loads of things you could do that would be way better than going on a diet in 2023. Instead I’m just going to share three possible things to consider. They’re simple, easy things that you could do if you feel drawn to trying them, but it’s up to you – you don’t have to do anything if you don’t want to. Or it might give you some ideas for other things you could do. Look at what would be kinder to yourself than going on that strict diet, but remember you don’t have to make a resolution at all – it’s your life!
Here are 3 possible New Year’s Resolutions that are WAY better than going on a diet:
1. Aim to get at least five portions of fruit and veg every day
Forget focusing on cutting food out and instead focus on feeding your body. Most people could improve their eating habits simply by getting a bit more fruit and veg. Have a think about how much fruit & veg you normally have and how you could eat just a little more. A portion is about a handful and the UK recommendation is to have at least 5 handfuls per day. You don’t have to go for all fresh fruit and veg – tinned, dried or frozen can all contribute as well. Just remember that dried fruit or veg is a slightly smaller portion than a handful.
Go for whatever fruit & veg you like, no need to force yourself to eat the ones you don’t like. Include the ones you enjoy or look at trying something new or even cooking them in a different way. Start by checking you have at least one portion at every meal. If you don’t, then that could be a good place to start. Aim to have at least one portion at each meal, then think about how you could add in more and build it up from there. Forget focusing on cutting stuff out and instead think about nourishing your body with more fruit and veg.

2. Try a new way of moving BUT for fun, not for weight-loss
Aim to move regularly for fun and enjoyment. Stop thinking of exercise as a way to lose weight or using it to punish your body because ‘it’s not good enough’. A lot of people automatically relate exercise to hating P.E. at school and see exercise as a chore. If that’s you then forget slogging it out at the gym or doing something you hate. Instead look for a way you could move your body that would be fun, so then you’re more likely to want to do it. Also think about the benefits to your emotional & mental health and to your body generally, rather than just doing it for weight management – that can just make it more of a chore.
What could you try that’s new and exciting? If you hate going to the gym like me, instead find a dance class. Or you could try circus skills like pole dancing, aerial hoop or hula hooping. Do some research and see what classes are near you. Maybe you could try some kind of martial arts or climbing? Find something that challenges you and makes you feel excited to keep going.
Don’t give up if you don’t enjoy the first thing you try, keep trying new things until you find something you enjoy. When you enjoy it, it’s easier for it to become part of your life without you having to make a big effort to do it.
3. Focus on building your self-esteem
Rather than thinking you need to change or improve yourself, how could you love yourself more? My idea for you is to try keeping a positivity journal. You could keep a record in there of compliments that people give you, like nice feedback you get on your work or about personal stuff.
Write a list of positive things about yourself. Maybe things that you like about yourself whether that’s physical features or aspects of your personality. It could be about your sense of style or things that you feel proud of achieving, like your qualifications. You could include difficulties or challenges that you’ve overcome. Write down all your successes and wins no matter how big or small.
You could also try and write down your successes for 2023 as you go along. Maybe at the end of each week in the coming year, ask yourself what’s your success of the week. What do you feel proud of? Something that you’ve achieved or something that you’ve learnt – write it down, no matter how small. Then by the end of the year you’ll have 52 things to look back on and feel proud of, if you manage to keep it going for the whole of the year.
Try to read your positivity journal regularly as well coz that can help you feel better about yourself. Especially if you’re feeling a bit down one day. Use it as somewhere to keep any positive stuff about yourself and your life. You could decorate it with stuff you love so it makes you feel good when you pick it up. Use it to help you feel good about yourself and love yourself. Because you totally deserve to love yourself and feel good about yourself.
So there you go – three ideas for New Year’s Resolutions you could try instead of going on a diet:
- Focus on nourishing your body with plenty of fruit & veg
- Move your body for fun and enjoyment instead of for weight-loss
- Focus on building your self-esteem instead of thinking you need to be better
Which one will you try? Or is there something else similar that you could do that isn’t about being down on yourself as you are right now?
Stop doing the punishing New Year’s resolutions and try something to be kind to yourself.
Ditch dieting forever. You deserve better.
Need help to ditch dieting forever?
Want to eat normally again AND lose weight healthily? While still enjoying the cake & chocolate? Hell yes!
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My Weekly Round-up! AKA; what I’ve been up to recently…
- Tea of the week has been Earl Grey again and not many to be honest as I keep getting heartburn from all the Christmas eating -oops! Yep I’ve overdone it – I don’t eat perfectly! But it’s ok, it’s only one week.
- This week has been a massive contrast to last week – we’ve barely left the house! It’s all been about lounging around in our pjs reading or playing with Genevieve and her new toys (mainly lego!) There’s been lots of watching films too. Sam and I have a tradition where we watch the ‘Die Hard’ films, starting with the first one on Christmas Eve. We only bothered with the first three this year as the last two are pretty shit really aren’t they – ha! Don’t ask me what else we’ve watched, I couldn’t tell you it’s been such a blur of eating and slobbing around!
- We did manage to get out for a couple of walks though. One was just round the block to look at people’s Christmas lights and the other was to the park so Genevieve could have a play. I’ve also tried to do a spot of yoga a few times too, but not much at all!
- Bird Nerd Report: The most interesting bird I’ve seen was a wagtail – really missing going out on a proper walk and seeing the birds to be honest!